Treatment schedule for injectable hormones
Hormone injections are part of a infertility treatment.
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Monday to Friday, 8.30 – 12.00 and 13.30 - 16.30
What does the procedure look like?
Betrokken afdelingen
Treatment schedule for injectable hormones
When do you start treatment?
When your menstruation begins, you fill in the date in the Luscii app. In the app you get information about what medication you need to inject.
We make an appointment for you for a ‘start’-ultrasound. This ultrasound has to take place in the first 5 days of your cycle. A ‘start’-ultrasound is necessary when you used hormones the previous month and you immediately continue with treatment.
How do you use the injections?
You start with the injections on the third day of your cycle. Your doctor will tell you what dosage you need to use and when to stop using the injections.
How to fill in the schedule?
Cycle day 1. The day your menstruation starts and persist. The colour of the blood will be bright red. If the menstruation starts after 18:00, the next day will be first cycle day.
You fill in the day of your menstruation above cycle day ‘1’. If you fill in the other dates, you will see when you need to come in for the first ultrasound.
(schedule example is in Dutch)

Gonal-F injections
In a natural cycle, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) causes follicles to grow in the ovaria. FSH is produced by the brain and released into the blood. FSH is administered through subcutaneous injections (underneath the skin). These injections are Gonal-F injections.
At cycle day 3 you start with the Gonal-F injections. You inject yourself between 16:00 - 20:00h each day. You continue with the injections until the doctor tells you to stop. At each ultrasound you will hear which dosage you need to use. Usually there is an ultrasound every 2-3 days, so we can determine the exact time you need to use the Ovitrelle injection.
Ovitrelle® pre-filled syringe
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone produced by the body during pregnancy. The doctor will prescribe Ovitrelle to trigger the ovulation (the release of eggs by the ovaries).
The doctor or nurse will tell you when to inject the Ovitrelle. You only need it once in your cycle. You inject yourself with the Ovitrelle in the morning, aroud 7 h.
Learning to inject
Both injections will be injected subcutaneous (underneath the skin). You find the instructions on injection setting in the Luscii app. You will see there is little that can go wrong. Please let us know through the app if the instructions are sufficient or not.
What are possible side effects?
There are few known side effects of FSH and HCG. Sometimes swollen breasts, intestinal problems, headaches and mood swings can occur. You might notice some rash or sensitivity at the injection site.
If you have any questions, you can contact the nurses of the centre by using the Luscii app.
In case of emergency (before or after office hours), please contact the emergency department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at (073) 553 20 20.